Sometimes you gotta just do it. That's how I'm feeling at the moment. Have you ever felt this burning need to do something, anything, and didn't know where to start? Or maybe you aren't sure exactly where you're going because you lack clarity? Sometimes you gotta just take that first step. And then take the first step again. That's what I feel like I'm doing right now as I sit down to write for a blog I don't really have. Ok, so I do have a blog. One I started so long ago it's growing mold and I even un-linked it from my website because it felt like it was only spreading mold to the rest of my web presence (But not anymore! It's back!!!). As a business owner, I've often felt some kind of pressure that I should be doing all the things that are "proven" to make you successful out on the web (and hopefully in your business). You gotta be on social media, maintain a blog, offer online programs, etc, etc. And you know what? None of that is easy to do when you're so gripped by fear that you can't even sit down to write a few sentences for your own benefit, much less the benefit of others.

I think this often comes with a feeling of being catapulted forward into the abyss. And it's no accident either, because were we really going to
just take a flying leap into the abyss without being pushed? That's how the universe works, in my experience. It gives me that shove when I