This step, the one right now, is the only one that matters.

The truth is, we aren't. All we need to do is come back to this step, the present moment, and what
it holds. We may need to face the stress, the worry, and the fears straight on,
but eventually they dissolve in the light of our awareness.
Sure, this all sounds wonderful, but what does it really
mean? What do I have to do? Is it really possible for a “regular” person like
me? I asked many of these questions myself, and this is what I’ve learned.
When we allow ourselves time for stillness in meditation
every day, a gradual, but steady process of un-layering takes place. We all
come to stillness practices for different reasons, but often find the results are
far beyond what we initially sought. The key, of course, is consistent practice.
Mindfulness is a skill that we cultivate through practice, and just as any
skill, it takes time and dedication to become proficient.
As we sit in meditation, we learn to see things just as they
are, learning to let go of our judgments about the way things should be. As we
become objective observers of our experience, we start to notice what the
nature of the mind is really like, and how our thoughts, emotions, habits, and
ultimately our underlying beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, affect
our health and wellness on an everyday basis. There are no rules for how you
must live your life to be happy. Rather, through the process of cultivating
self-awareness, what is right for each of us tends to reveal itself
organically. We have the choice of how to respond. The choice is always ours,
and through mindfulness practice, we learn exactly how many choices we have
available to us that might lead to happier, healthier lives. In truth, it is a
choice we make in every moment. This moment.
Indeed, the biggest choice of all is the one that embraces
the present moment. We cannot be stressed, worried, or fearful if we are truly immersed
in the present moment, but it takes practice and a gradual process of revealing
for us to both strengthen our mindfulness muscle (our ability to stay focused
in the here and now), and understand the value of the present moment. We must
go beyond an intellectual understanding of present-moment awareness and experience
for ourselves what the present moment offers us. Until then, it remains a
mystery which sounds good but doesn’t provide any real opportunity for change.

May you open to the present moment and all it offers. May you embrace this step, and may it be everything you require, bringing you the opportunity for growth and healing which inevitably will prepare you for this moment. And this one.
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